International Business and Entreprenership in Emerging Economies MGT5406

  • Academic Session: 2024-25
  • School: Adam Smith Business School
  • Credits: 10
  • Level: Level 5 (SCQF level 11)
  • Typically Offered: Semester 2
  • Available to Visiting Students: No
  • Collaborative Online International Learning: No

Short Description

This course focuses on the current issues and debates in International Business, International Entrepreneurship and Innovation in emerging economies. The focus of this module is on how different types of firms - multinationals, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, and social enterprises - operate in emerging economies, which by their very nature are in a state of flux and change, thus, constitute distinctive environments for firms. By the end of this course students will be able to understand and appraise the challenges and opportunities to business when they work in countries with very different formal and informal institutions, including regulations, cultures and norms, and levels of economic and social development.


The course will be organised in 6 units and delivered over 4 weeks. A blended approach comprising both asynchronous (online) and synchronous (on campus face-to-face) components is adopted for the delivery.

5 x 2 hour lectures on campus

■ Recommended reading will also be provided.

■ A 2-hour face-to-face tutorial session for group activities will be conducted per week, over 4 weeks.

Requirements of Entry

Please refer to the current postgraduate prospectus at:

Excluded Courses





The course will be assessed by 2 summative assessment methods: a group presentation and an individual written assignment.


The group presentation entails a critical analysis and discussion of the trajectory and state of business development of a selected case company (either from an emerging economy or developed economy, regardless of size and industry) in a specific emerging economy; significant differences in the institutional and market environment of this economy for business; and of the outcome and implications of strategies deployed by the company for its further development in this and other emerging economies. Each group comprises of 5-6 members. It will be a 20- minute presentation plus 10-minute Q&A, and accounts for 40% of the final mark of the course. The assignment will meet the ILOs 2,3,4,5 specifically; it also seeks to enhance students' teamworking and oral presentation skills.


The individual assignment cover topics that involve a critical evaluation and discussion of the distinctive opportunities and challenges present in emerging economies, and the influence on firms' specific IBE and innovation activities and/or strategies in these contexts. It will be a 1000-word written essay that accounts for 60% of the final grade of the course. The assignment will meet the ILOs 1,2,3,4,5 specifically.

Course Aims

This course aims to provide an advanced examination of the different institutional contexts of emerging economies and to develop a critical assessment of the opportunities, risks and challenges that firms operating in these markets may encounter.

This course examines the marketplaces of emerging economies from three interrelated areas: 1. Develops understanding and knowledge of the different contextual influences and dynamics of emerging economies compared to those of developed economies. 2. Evaluates the international business strategies and entrepreneurial practices implemented by firms from developed countries in emerging markets and the opportunities and challenges they face. 3. Examines the different internationalisation and entrepreneurial approaches adopted by firms from emerging countries to enter new markets, and to collaborate/ compete with firms from developed countries. Overall, students will develop a critical understanding of the complexity of conducting international business, entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of emerging economies.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students will be able to:


1. Critically discuss theories and debate current issues in IBE and innovation in emerging economies (including national systems of innovation, informal economy, dysfunctional institutional contexts, etc).

2. Identify, analyse and assess the unique opportunities, challenges and risks in conducting business in emerging markets.

3. Evaluate and critique the internationalisation and entrepreneurial strategies and practices utilised by developed country firms operating in emerging markets.

4. Identify, distinguish and evaluate the challenges and opportunities that emerging economy firms (including emerging market MNCs, SMEs and Micro-MNEs, social enterprises) encounter as they internationalise into developed economies.

5. Understand strategic alternatives that emerging economy firms can deploy to upgrade their innovation capabilities to survive and grow in the modern economy.  

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students must submit 100% by weight of the components (including examinations) of the course's summative assessment.