Discover the Amplify Mentoring Initiative at the College of Science and Engineering. This impactful program pairs underrepresented undergraduate students with industry mentors, fostering career growth, insights and connections for success.

What is it?

Amplify is a mentoring scheme pairing University of Glasgow undergraduate students in the College of Science and Engineering with industry mentors. It aims to work with students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in both UK universities and in industry to give students the best possible chance of success in their studies and beyond.

Since it began in 2021 the scheme has successfully matched 48 students with mentors from sectors across science and engineering. The idea came about following discussions with an industry partner in relation to the lack of diversity in their organisation and how companies and universities could come together to try and address this.

Going forward Amplify will continue to focus on encouraging continued success, providing insight into possible career paths, and to nurturing our students’ ambitions.

Who is it for?

Amplify is open to undergraduate students in level 3 and above from underrepresented groups studying Chemistry, Computing Science, Engineering, Geographical and Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics or Physics and Astronomy to encourage continued success, provide insight into possible career paths and nurture ambition. For example, students who are in the first generation of their family to go to university, are care experienced, have been a young carer, come from a Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 20/40 area, are seeking asylum in the UK, have refugee status, identify as being a Person of Colour, have a registered disability or identify as LGBTQ+.

How does it work?

The scheme matches students to mentors who are graduates in Chemistry, Computing Science, Engineering, Geographical and Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics or Physics and Astronomy or currently work in one of these areas. Over the course of a year mentors and students commit to 30 minutes per month to meet online.

It is an opportunity for mentors to talk about their own career journey or experience and to share insights into areas of work that students might be considering moving into. Mentors might also offer advice on how students could develop and enhance their skills or discuss the student’s future career options and ideas.

Guidance and training are provided to support productive and meaningful discussions between mentors and students and ongoing contact and support is on hand from the Amplify Co-ordinators.

Why is it important?

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction” John C. Crosby

Mentoring has the potential to change people’s outcomes. It gives underrepresented students access to a network that might otherwise be inaccessible and enables them to meet people who know what is required to be build a successful career and how they have overcome challenges or barriers to get there. Mentoring conversations provide a key opportunity for students to gain insight into career possibilities and to make an informed choice about their next steps. It provides the chance to make a personal connection with a professional working in the field they are interested in giving them the chance to explore their career options, develop career confidence, build their network, and get more clarity on how they might want to use their degree.

Cejo Panickamannil, 4th Year Biomedical Engineering Student, who took part in Amplify last year highlights these benefits well:

“Meeting with my mentor through the Amplify programme, at this stage of my studies, has helped me to look forward and plan my career. His insight has helped me to realise the importance of enjoying the career journey and appreciate that there are multiple routes to reach the same destination.

My mentor helped me with my career goals, CV, LinkedIn profile, and interview preparation. I also appreciate him sharing his personal experiences with me, which have many similarities to my aspirations and has effectively helped address the gaps in my knowledge. Overall, my participation in the Amplify programme has reassured me of my academic choices and has allowed me to form a connection with a mentor who has encouraged my career aspirations. “

Amplify 2023/24
Registration for Amplify in 2023/4 is now open. Those interested in mentoring can complete this short registration form by 30th September 2023.

Any questions on Amplify can be directed to or contact Lesley Grayburn (Student Employability and Engagement Lead for CoSE) or Greg Burgess (Student Retention and Success Lead for CoSE).

First published: 29 August 2023

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