The College's Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee convened at the beginning of September to review progress. We began by sharing updates on best practices throughout the College, with the School of Computing Science and the James Watt School of Engineering taking the lead in outlining their current projects.

Within the School of Computing Science, a dedicated program titled "Living University Values" places a strong emphasis on our university's values and connects them to local actions. Simultaneously, the James Watt School of Engineering is actively promoting diversity in its recruitment efforts, aiming for a more inclusive and representative workforce.

The 'Cosine' EDI newsletter has been met with positive feedback and we extend an open invitation to the community to contribute related news and events.

Moreover, currently, the committee is in discussions regarding the implementation of an active upstander training program designed to address cultural issues within our units and schools. This training, available through Organisational Development (OD), concentrates on roles in incidents, intervention strategies, escalation models and approaches. The committee is also evaluating the training format, considering whether it should follow a "train the trainer" approach or be centrally provided by OD. Additionally, the training will include discussions on microaggressions and feedback models, such as B-I-F-F. We are in the process of developing strategies for the introduction of this training within schools and units, ensuring its long-term sustainability. The EDI Committee is actively engaged in discussions with EDI leaders, exploring different models, next steps, timeframes and addressing concerns.

The committee is also placing significant emphasis on Disability History Month and International Day of the Disabled Person, which takes place from mid-November to mid-December. This initiative focuses on a range of disabilities and health conditions and is in direct response to survey findings indicating that respondents with disabilities generally scored lower in the Colleague Engagement survey. 

Volunteers from our schools and units are actively coordinating a range of activities as part of a shared month-long calendar. These activities include lived experience talks, lunchtime walks, and Health and Wellbeing information sessions. We extend a warm invitation to everyone to participate and contribute their ideas and efforts. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with College EDI Officer, Lydia Bach, to get involved. 

First published: 24 May 2023

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