Translational Research Initiative

The University of Glasgow’s College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS), through the Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise (IEE) strategy is continuing to develop real world impact through identifying, championing and facilitating the translation and innovative research. The Translational Research Initiative (TRI) was formed to deliver this vision. Integrated within MVLS’ broader IEE strategy and aligned with substantial University funding to support dedicated staff, infrastructure and project costs, TRI provides a nexus for translational activities, coordinating access to funding and providing project management support and training for staff through an integrated hub. Translational research is aimed at translating findings from basic discovery research into tangible outcomes that benefit society.

The TRI can support you and your project with:

  • funding
  • partnership development
  • entrepreneurship & commercialisation
  • training, workshops & events
  • opportunity development reviews
  • placements & talent mobility
  • access to expertise