Upcoming Training Events

This section provides information about upcoming events that might be of interest to clinical researchers.

Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions

  • The University of Glasgow offers in collaboration with National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) in-person course Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions that will provide participants with an understanding of the complex intervention research process. Course details can be found in the above link.   

        05/11/2024 - 07/11/2024

The HRB-Trials Methodology Research Network Webinars and Training Events

The HRB-Trials Methodology Research Network  provides interesting Webinars and Training Events

The list of upcoming events can be accessed here https://www.hrb-tmrn.ie/training-education/upcoming-events/

The HRB-Trials Methodology Research Network offers free access to all of the recorded training material from HRB-TMRN events. All are freely available to view here: https://www.hrb-tmrn.ie/training-education/online-training-repository/

MRC-NIHR TMRP Webinar series

A new Trials Methodology Research Partnership webinar series can be accessed in this link 

MRC-NIHR TMRP Webinar series

Introduction to Health Economics

  • Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility offers a session An Introduction to Health Economics (£90) introducing key concepts of health economics and allocation of health resource in relation to clinical research

        09 October 2024

Accessing UK health data for research

  • Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility provides Understanding how to access UK health data for research course (£90) exploring what health data is available for research within the UK; how to access the data and the common misunderstandings that delay health data access.

        17 Sep 2024

Patient and Public Involvement

  • Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility offers educational events with focus on Patient and Public Involvement. Bitesize Introduction to Patient Public Involvement Course (free) is an online, self-directed course aiming to help researchers to begin their patient and public  involvement activities. PPI in Clinical Trials - Design, Recruitment and Retention (£90) is a course focusing on how can involving patients in the design of research project improve the plans for the project and what does the evidence tell about the impact of involving patients and the public in clinical trials. Look for upcoming sessions here.


Sample size Estimation and Power Calculations with Excel


  • UCL's Centre for Applied Statistics Courses (CASC), part of the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (ICH) delivers this Sample size Estimation and Power Calculations with Excel course (£175) likely to be useful to those embarking on a research project, or trying to complete ethics and grant application forms.


       Next training date to be confirmed

Research Skills and Statistics (University College London)

 Explore the short courses in Research Skills and Statistics offered by the  University College London. 



Qualitative Research


  • The King's College London offers An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods course (£1000) that will give an overview and introduction to qualitative research methods, including individual interviews, focus group discussions, observation, ethical issues, content and thematic analysis, NVivo and rigour in qualitative research. Contact the team for more information.

       Date to be confirmed

Introduction to Randomised Controlled Trials in Healthcare

The Birmingham Centre for Clinical Trials (BCCT) brings together the clinical trial expertise from across the University of Birmingham and, in particular The Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU), and The Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU). This face-to-face 3 day programme iwill be delivered in person in the Medical School at the University of Birmingham. £600.

25th – 27th November 2024

24th - 26th November 2025

Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product (CTIMP) Workshop

The aim of this full day workshop is to equip clinical research staff with an understanding of the key elements involved in conducting a clinical trial of an investigational medicinal product (CTIMP). 

After the Workshop, each Participant will:

  • Understand relevant CTIMP terminology and the requirements for CTIMPs including permissions and approvals 
  • Demonstrate the use of a protocol in setting up a CTIMP and planning a study visit
  • Describe the key issues that impact on recruitment and retention
  • Describe the key elements relating to the management of the investigational medicinal product (IMP) 
  • Recognise the importance of accurate documentation throughout all trial-related activities
  • Understand the importance of safety measures and parameters in CTIMPs and the responsibilities of the research team in monitoring these

 25 Sep 2024

 05 Nov 2024

Principal Investigator Roles and Responsibilities

  • Glasgow Clinical Research Facility offers this half day workshop Principal Investigator Roles and Responsibilities to equip Principal Investigators and researchers with an understanding of the key roles and responsibilities involved in conducting a research trial. The workshop will consist of a mixture of presentations and discussions. It is relevant to those who are new to research and for those who would like to improve their understanding of the setup, coordination, and archiving of research trials. Booking is available here

        17 Sep 2024

  • There are also available short sessions (£25) for Associate Principal Investigators that can be booked here

        Getting Started in a Research Trial                          

        Trial Design                                                              

        Investigational Medicinal Product                           

        Quality and Safety Reporting in Research Trials      


Leadership Development for Principal Investigator - resources

The VITAE website managed by the Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC) provides resources for emerging researchers aspiring to develop their skills in research and develop as Principal Investigators.

How to be a good Chief Investigator one day workshop - ONLINE

Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research Unit (LICTR) organises a How to be a good Chief Investigator one day workshop - ONLINE

The workshops provide a unique format featuring expert guidance, interactive sessions, and a collaborative learning environment. We understand the pivotal role of Chief Investigators in advancing clinical research, and our tailored program is dedicated to enhancing your skills and knowledge.

Join us in this transformative experience, where you’ll gain valuable insights, build essential connections, and elevate your capabilities as a chief investigator.

Registration is open with a deadline of the 10th November.

The save the date will be issued in the week of 12 August 2024.  

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Courses

GCP is the agreed international standard for conducting clinical research. Everyone who works on delivering clinical research in Glasgow is required to have an up-to-date GCP certificate. It is advised to renew GCP training every two to three years depending on local policies and sponsor requirements. There are number of options to complete the course.

  • NIHR offers an online GCP course that can be completed at the “NIHR Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP)” eLearning 


  • Glasgow Clinical Research Facility offers free monthly full day sessions NRS Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for those who have not completed the training yet or completed training more than two years ago. There are also half day refresh sessions available. The training events can be booked here.   

        Upcoming dates: 

            11 Sep 2024


  • Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility offers Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course free-of-charge for those attending from Scottish NHS or academic institutions. You can search availability of on-site and online events and book the course here.

20 Aug 2024

03 Oct 2024

12 Nov 2024


Good Research Practice (Non-drug Trials)

  • Glasgow Clinical Research Facility offers half-day Good Research Practice (Non-drug Trials) course (£49) appropriate for anyone conducting or supporting clinical research that does not involve a ‘drug’. 

      03 Sep 2024

17 Dec 2024

Informed Consent

  • Glasgow Clinical Research Facility offers half-day workshop Informed Consent - Adult: Ethical, legal and practical aspects in clinical research (£60) with a focus on the legal and practical issues around obtaining informed consent from adults participating in clinical research, and vulnerable groups who require additional safeguards. It will also cover consent issues relating to the use of human tissue and data in research. Booking is available here.         

        12 Nov 2024

  • Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility offers the workshop Informed Consent in Clinical Research - Adults (Scotland) (£90) with focus on the ethical, legal and practical issues around obtaining informed consent from adults participating in clinical research in Scotland. Search for the next course delivery date here.

NHS Research Ethics Application

  • Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility offers Helping you to submit a successful NHS Research Ethics Application (£90) course a step-by-step guidance on the ethical review process including details on what to do before submitting an application, during the committee meeting and after gaining ethical approval.  REC staff will provide advice on submitting the correct paperwork and their opinions on what information is required for a successful application.

        25 Sep 2024

Inspection Survival Guide: Being Prepared for an MHRA GCP Inspection

Inspection Survival Guide: Being Prepared for an MHRA GCP Inspection is a half-day course that use presentations and workshops to provide an overview of the GCP inspection process from notification to closure.

Thursday 07 Nov 2024   Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh / Online (Zoom) - Hybrid

Clinical Trial Management: Maximising Effectiveness

The Birmingham Centre for Clinical Trials (BCCT) brings together the clinical trial expertise from across the University of Birmingham and, in particular The Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU), and The Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU) in this online 2 day programme that will focus on the fundamentals of the project management of trials. Cost£250 per person. 

18 – 19 November 2024

24 - 25 March 2025

17-18 November 2025