As part of the ongoing Living With, Living Through virtual residency, the Digital Departures Lab would like to invite you to a series of events and activities in the coming weeks:

Write to our resident artist:

As part of the residency, our artist-in-residence, Nastja Säde Rönkkö would like to invite staff and students to write to her in Finland.

Nastja is currently thinking about questions such as: how can we challenge the ways we use digital technology and social media during and after the pandemic? How can we challenge the ever-growing power of those in charge of emerging technologies, and the way they are using us for their own interests through data collection, social media addiction, fake news, internet governance and such? What are the future opportunities digital technologies can offer for the greater good of communities? What kind of political strength and opportunities for resistance there might be in a slow (offline) living? How does all this affect our mental and physical wellbeing and how can the internet be used as a tool for self-care?

You can write to her about absolutely anything, but she is particularly interested in continuing the above conversations and receiving letters exploring ideas around technology and the internet within the context of self-care and wellbeing. Please write to Nastja c/o Dr Louise Harris, 14 University Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8QH

Take part in the 2nd Open Forum - living offline
Monday 28th June, 11am

Come along to chat to Nastja and members of the Digital Departures Lab about the forthcoming one day without (see below) and discuss the implications of spending periods of time living offline and digitally detoxing.

If you would like to attend, please email for the zoom link. 

Take part in one day without:
Friday 2nd July

As part of the residency, Nastja invites you to spend one day without – a full day without your phone, laptop, tablet, devices of any kind and the internet itself. The second open forum (above) will be spent, in part, discussing the day without.

First published: 11 June 2021