Digital Cultural Heritage

We are an interdisciplinary lab for anybody interested in the use of digital technologies to support cultural activities or
interpret the past.

Our members include researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and industries. We support a broad spectrum of activities including mentoring, hacking/making events and seminars.


The Digital Cultural Heritage Lab, in collaboration with the CREATe Digital Technologies and Humanism theme, are organising an AI in Cultural Heritage Workshop: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward on Friday, 31 May 2024, 2.00pm to 4.00pm. The workshop will be held at the Adam Smith Business School, The Hothouse (Room 282) with the first part only (i.e., the Lightning Talks) streamed also online.

This dynamic workshop will bring together a range of cultural heritage professionals, researchers, and artists to examine the opportunities and challenges that AI is providing for managing and interpreting collections and communicating with different audiences. What have we learned from those who have been working with AI in the cultural sector? How do we start exploring this technology? What are the ethical and other concerns we need to be aware of? 

The workshop will include, in the first part, a small number of hybrid lightning talks (a combination of online and face-to-face at the UofG main campus, which will be streamed online), followed (for those attending onsite) in the second part by group work and discussion involving onsite participants, and finishing with an informal reception and chance to network.

Whether you're a seasoned professional/researcher in the use of AI or just starting out, or want to find out more about it, this workshop will offer valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance your understanding of AI in the context of cultural heritage. You will get the chance to hear from industry experts, participate in hands-on activities, and network with others interested in this topic.

Presenters include:

Marion Carré, CEO and co-Founder of Ask Mona, Paris, the cutting-edge company

Amy Adams, Collections Information and Access Manager, National Museum of the Royal Navy

Paul Gooding, Professor of Library Studies and Digital Scholarship, Information Studies, UofG

Sarah Ames, Digital Scholarship Librarian, National Library of Scotland

Sarah Cook, Professor of Museum Studies, Information Studies, UofG

Cassandra Kist, Chancellor’s Fellow, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde

Interested in joining us? Participation in the workshop is free, but you need to register on Eventbrite


The Games and Gaming and Digital Cultural Heritage ArtsLab Labs, in collaboration with colleagues in Information Studies and Education Evolved Ltd, warmly invite you to an 'AI in Arts (& Humanities) Research' event on Monday 23 October 2023, 2pm-4pm.

 The aim is to bring together colleagues in the College of Arts & Humanities, including those who are already using AI in their research, those interested in finding out more about it, and complete beginners who would like to explore new possibilities.

 The event will be interactive with discussions about the potential and challenges for AI in research, incubating future collaborations/initiatives in this area. 


There will be short presentations at the start by a few colleagues working in AI in the Arts & Humanities, followed by breakout group discussion, providing opportunities to connect, to experiment, and to share ideas.

 Please sign up for either in-person (capacity-limited) or online attendance at these separate links. 

We also encourage you to respond to the optional 2-question form here, included to aid us in understanding participants' diverse existing research related to AI, and to help to create collaborations going forward.

 We hope you are able to join us. 


Digitally Exhibiting Textual Heritage: Workshop 1 - January 28th, 2022, 11am-1pm

This first of three workshops sees presentations from Daryl Green (University of Edinburgh Library), Suzanne Paul (Cambridge University Library), Julie Gardham (Glasgow University Library) and Prof. Maria Economou (Information Studies and The Hunterian Museum) to discuss the landscape of written heritage exhibitions, both physical and digital, and consider what we might learn from the use of digital interactives within the museum sector.

Considering the topic from both pre- and post-pandemic perspectives, and defining "exhibition spaces" very broadly to include various points of access, this workshop series brings together librarians and archivists, museum curators, artists, and researchers to discuss the challenges of physical and digital exhibition, and the possibilities of emerging digital technologies for connecting audiences with the written past. 

11:00: Welcome and Introduction, Dr Johanna Green, Information Studies, University of Glasgow

11:15: Daryl Green, University of Edinburgh Library - 'Book Exhibitions in a Digital World: Past and Present'

11.30: Julie Gardham, Glasgow University Library - '"Front runner or also ran?" A Gallop through the Performance of Archives and Special Collections at the University of Glasgow in the Virtual Exhibitions Race'

11:45: Suzanne Paul, Cambridge University Library - 'All the Books: Reflections on Making a Digital Library'

12:00: Prof. Maria Economou, Information Studies/The Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow - 'Digital Storytelling and Immersive Technologies in Exhibitions for Engaging Emotionally with Collections'

12:15-close: Q&A


Virtual Teaching with University Collections: Lessons learnt & ways forward

When: Friday 22 October 2021, 14:00 – 15:30

Where: online. Registration and full programme at the Eventbrite link

This event, co-sponsored by University of Glasgow Collections Lab, Digital Cultural Heritage Lab & the LTDF Archives Unlocked project, will look back at the last year of technology-assisted virtual collections teaching, asking the questions: What worked? What failed? What lessons have been learnt? And what next?

Attendees will get the opportunity to see virtual collections teaching technology in action with demonstrations from Archives & Special Collections and The Hunterian. Virtual collections teachers & learners will share their experiences and thoughts through a series of lightning talks. And the event will conclude with a Roundtable Q&A asking: what's next?


Immersive Technologies in Cultural Heritage Research and Practice

When: Tue 20th Apr 2021 10:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Online 

Event for PhD students in in arts and humanities disciplines across Scottish HEIs co-organised with the SGSAH Cultural and Museum studies Discipline+ Catalyst and the UofG Arts Lab on Immersive Experiences.


Information Studies PGR seminar on “Impact of Covid-19 on postgraduate research methodologies

When: 3 Dec 2020

Where: Online

We are delighted to announce that we are holding a special event zoom Information Studies seminar on the 3rd December (15-16:30 followed by an informal online get-together) to celebrate our PGR community. The PGRs in Information Studies have chosen the theme of the impact of Covid-19 on postgraduate research methodologies and this is a topic that will no doubt be of interest to many here in the College of Arts and indeed beyond. Seven of our PGR candidates will be presenting their own work under this topic and will be sharing reflections on the effects of the previous few months on their research.

We hope that all of you will be able to join the event and the discussion at the end (as well as the less formal part after the seminar, to get together within the Subject and celebrate all our work this hard semester - feel free to bring your favourite drink, of course optional).

Zoom URL:


  • Cassie Kist: “Difficult heritage during Covid19”
  • Franzi Mucha: “Lost in zoom – networking and conferencing during a pandemic”
  • Joe Nockels: ‘Crossing wires: interdisciplinary research in the time of Covid-19’
  • Erin Walter: “Losing the Plot: From Face-to-Face to the Digital Void in Practice-as-Research Methodologies”
  • Lynn Verschuren: “Conducting Visitor Evaluation in a Pandemic: Challenges & Lessons Learned”
  • Aimee Fletcher: “Digital data collection: potential for greater accessibility. Can the impact of COVID positively impact study accessibility for disabled participants?”
  • Rachel Thain-Gray: “Feminist epistemological future-building as a source of energy during pandemic times”


Digital Cultural Heritage Staff Research Showcase

When: 25 Nov 2020

Where: University of Glasgow Archaeology Seminar Series


Speakers: Prof. Maria Economou, Dr Paul Gooding and Dr Johanna Green in Conversation with Dr Gareth Beale (University of Glasgow)




Smithsonian event: Glasgow Digital Cultural Heritage Showcase

When: 10.00-12.00, Tuesday 8 October 2019

Where: Hunterian Museum, Main Building University of Glasgow 

Description: The event will include working demonstrations and prototypes from a number of major research projects including new immersive experiences, digital storytelling, on-site in-gallery and online exploration of museum collections (using for one of the case studies the Hunterian’s Antonine Wall Scottish Roman display from the Unesco World Heritage site). Free event but registration required.


Information Studies PhD showcase 

When: 4.00-5.30, Wednesday 9 October 2019

Where: Boyd Orr Building, Lecture Theatre D

Description: Jointly organised with Archaeology. Speakers: Sarah Gambell (“The tactical value of digitisation for the preservation of cultural heritage in conflict”); Cassy Kist (“Social Media and Socially Engaged Museum Practices”); Franziska Mucha (“Crowds, Community and Co-Creativity”)


H2020 EMOTIVE demo: Immersive Technologies and Storytelling for Cultural Heritage

When: 13.30-18:00, Wednesday 30 October 2019

Where: Hunterian Museum, Main Building University of Glasgow 

Description: EMOTIVE is a European Union-funded Horizon 2020 project which seeks to develop emotionally-resonant digital experiences for visitors at cultural heritage sites, with a particular focus on the unique - but curatorially very challenging - UNESCO World Heritage sites of the Roman Frontier display on the Antonine Wall at the Hunterian Museum in Scotland and the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey. Free but registration required.


Digital Cultural Heritage Staff research

When: 4.00-5.30, Wed 4 Dec 2019 

Where: Boyd Orr Building, Lecture Theatre D

Description: Collaborative research with the Cultural Heritage Sector, organised by Information Studies and Archaeology. Speakers: Maria Economou, Hilary Young & Emilia Sosnowska; Paul Gooding; Johanna Green.  

Associated Staff: