PUBLIC CONSULTATION: University of Glasgow Gaelic Language Plan 2018–2021

Tha Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ sireadh bheachdan air Plana Gàidhlig an Oilthighe (dreachd) 2018 – 2021.

Chuireamaid fàilte mhòr air beachdan bho luchd-obrach, oileanaich, neo luchd-ùidhe ro: Dhiluain 16 Giblean.

Bidh cothrom ann bileag-theist (£30) a bhuannachadh son a chosg sa’ chafaidh, ‘Turadh’ ma chuireas sibh freagairt thugainn!

’S e plana reachdail a th’ anns a’ Phlana Gàidhlig seo air ullachadh fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005.

Tha sinn a’ cumail na co-chomhairleachaidh seo airson faighinn a-mach a bheil ar coimhearsnachd a’ meas nan gealltanasan againn luachmhor ann an co-theagsa leasachadh na Gàidhlig an Alba, agus aig an aon àm, airson dearbhadh gu bheil am Plana seo freagarrach do dh’Oilthigh Ghlaschu.


The University of Glasgow is seeking views on its Gaelic Language Plan (draft) for 2018 – 2021.

We would welcome responses from University staff, students, visitors and external stakeholders before: Monday 16th April.

By participating in our consultation survey, you could be in with a chance of winning a £30 voucher for the Byres Road café, ‘Turadh’.

The University’s Gaelic Plan is a statutory document prepared under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005.

We are hosting this public consultation to assess whether or not our community views our proposed commitments to be meaningful in the context of Gaelic development in Scotland, and at the same time, to ensure the Plan is appropriate to the University of Glasgow.

First published: 6 March 2018

<< 2018