The University of Glasgow will this week mark the 5th anniversary of its unique Gaelic language residency scheme, Taigh na Gàidhlig (Lit. ‘The Gaelic House’), the only scheme of its kind in Scotland. The residency scheme is aimed at Gaelic-speaking students and provides them with the opportunity  to live in a Gaelic-speaking environment on campus and the chance to use Gaelic amongst their peers and beyond the classroom. This scheme allows young Gaelic speakers to maintain a meangingful link with the language regardless of their chose academic discipline. This type of opportunity is unusual in Scotland despite the recent growth in Gaelic-medium education.

Gaelic groupSince its establishment in 2009, a variety of students have participated, including 3 international students, demonstrating that the scheme is inclusive of those who have learned Gaelic to a high level and not only aimed at native Gaelic speakers. Other students have come through the ever-expanding Gaelic-medium education system from Inverness, Glasgow, Isle of Skye, East Kilbride, Lewis and Cumbernauld.  During their time at the University of Glasgow, participating students on the Taigh na Gàidhlig scheme have studied a wide-range of courses including: European Civilisation, Politics, Economics, Modern Languages, Music, History, English Literature, Celtic Civilisation and, of course, Gaelic. They have also gone on to gain employment in a variety of fields such as: Politics, Publishing, Academia, Charity Work, Gaelic Broadcasting, Gaelic-Medium Education and Graphic Design.

Fiona Dunn, the University of Glasgow’s Gaelic Language Officer said, ‘It has been a great privilege to work on the Residency Scheme over the years and to watch young Gaelic speakers grow in confidence in using Gaelic in their daily lives and to see their passion for the promotion and development of Gaelic grow too. It is important that they understand that Gaelic is not just a language of education but can be part of their everday lives . The scheme has also allowed the Gaelic community to build links with other groups within the University and to make a contribution to what is a lively and very international community.’

Amongst this year’s participating students are two former pupils of Glasgow’s Gaelic school, Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu, Scotland’s first dedicated Gaelic school, studying Law and Medicine respectively. This is a particularly important milestone for the scheme and indeed for Gaelic education in Glasgow. It demonstrates the breadth of opportunity that exists in the City to be educated through the medium of Gaelic and to maintain a genuine connection with the language and its community regardless of career choices. Together, the University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council offer pupils and students in Glasgow a unique oppportunity to be taught through the medium of Gaelic from pre-school to post-graduate level as well as opportunities to use the language socially outwith formal educational settings.

Jim Whannel, Gaelic Quality Improvement Officer at Glasgow City Council commented,

‘We are delighted to show our support for the Taigh na Gàidhlig initiative which allows young people at Glasgow University to maintain and extend their use of the language on a daily basis – no matter which course of study they choose. It enables young people coming through the Gaelic-medium system in the city and beyond, to really embed the language in their lives, ensuring the language’s bright future in generations to come.’

To mark the anniversary, the University is hosting a reception on Thursday evening that will take a look back over the past 5 years of the scheme and the achievements of participating students. It will also include contributions from staff and students of University College Dublin, where a similar scheme exists for Irish-speaking students. 


Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ Comharrachadh 5 Bliadhna den sgeama, Taigh na Gàidhlig

An t-seachdain seo, bidh Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ comharrachadh còig bliadhna bhon a chaidh an sgeama còmhnaidh Taigh na Gàidhlig, a stèidheachadh, fhathast an aon sgeama dhe leithid ann an Alba.  ’S ann ag amas air oileanaich aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a tha an sgeama is e a’ toirt dhaibh cothrom an cuid Gàidhlig a chleachdadh am measg an co-aoisean taobh a-muigh suidheachaidhean foirmeil is acadaimigeach.  Tha an sgeama seo a’ brosnachadh òigridh gus ceangal brìoghmhor a chumail leis a’ chànan ge bith dè an t-slighe acadaimigeach a ghabhas iad.  A dh’aindeoin fàs a th’ air tighinn air foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig thar nam bliadhnaichean ’s ann glè thearc a tha cothroman mar seo fhathast do dh’òigridh.

Bhon a stèidhicheadh an sgeama ann an 2009 tha farsaingeachd de dh’oileanaich air àite fhaotainn innte - le 3 oileanaich eadar-nàiseanta nam measg, a’ sealltainn gu bheil Taigh na Gàidhlig na àite airson daoine a tha air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus nach ann a-mhàin do dhaoine a chaidh a thogail leis a’ chànan.  Tha oileanaich eile cuideachd air tighinn à Inbhir Nis, Glaschu, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach, Cille Bhrìde an Ear, Leòdhas agus Comar nan Allt mar thoradh air meudachadh ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig sna sgìrean sin. Tha na h-oileanaich a ghabh pàirt ann an Taigh na Gàidhlig air iomadh cuspair a leughadh aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu leithid: Sìobhaltas Eòrpach, Poileataigs, Eaconomas, Cànanan, Ceòl, Eachdraidh, Litreachas na Beurla, Sìobhaltas nan Ceilteach agus Gàidhlig. Tha iad cuideachd air a dhol air adhart agus measgachadh de dh’obraichean is chothroman fhaighinn ann an raointean leithid: Poileataigs, Foillseachadh, saoghal acadaimigeach, Obair Charthannais, Craoladh, Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, agus Dealbhadh.

Thuirt Fiona Dunn, Oifigear na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, ‘Tha e air a bhith na urram agus na thlachd dhomh a bhith ag obair air sgeama Taigh na Gàidhlig, thar nam bliadhnaichean.  Tha mi air misneachd nan òigridh fhaicinn a’ fàs an dà chuid ann a bhith bruidhinn na Gàidhlig agus ann a bhith seasamh is ag obair airson leasachadh is brosnachadh a’ chànain.  Tha e cudromach gun tuig na h-oileanaich nach e cànan acadaimigeach a-mhàin a th’ anns a’ Ghàidhlig ach gum faod i a bhith na pàirt chudromach de ’m beatha làitheil.  A bharrachd air seo, tha an sgeama air cothrom a thoirt do choimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig ceanglaichean a thogail le buidhnean air feadh an Oilthighe agus a bhith a’ cur ri coimhearsnachd an Oilthighe san fharsaingeachd a tha mar-thà, beòthail is eadar-nàiseanta.’

Am measg oileanaich Taigh na Gàidhlig am-bliadhna tha dithis a bha nan sgoilearan aig Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Tha sin fhèin, agus gu bheil iad aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ leughadh Lagh agus  Leigheas, na cheum chudromach dhan sgeama agus gu dearbh airson foghlam Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu.  Tha e mar fhianais air na cothroman a tha rim faotainn sa bhaile tro fhoghlam Gàidhlig agus gun tèid ceangal maireannach a chumail ris a’ chànan a dh’aindeoin cùrsa-obrach.  Le chèile, tha Oilthigh Ghlaschu agus Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu a’ tabhainn chothroman do dh’òigridh a’ bhaile a bhith air an oideachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig bhon sgoil-àraich gu ìre iar-cheumnach le cothroman dhaibh cuideachd Gàidhlig a cleachdadh gu sòisealta taobh a-muigh suidheachaidhean foghlaim.

Thuirt Jim Whannel, Oifigear Leasachaidh Càileachd aig Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu,

“Tha sinne air leth toilichte taic a chur ri iomairt Taigh na Gàidhlig, a tha a’ cumail taic ri òigridh ann an Oilthigh Ghlaschu gus ceangal a chumail leis a’ Ghàidhlig bho latha gu latha agus a bhith a’ leasachadh an dòigh anns am bi iad ga cleachdadh, a dh’aindeoin na bhios iad ag ionnsachadh san Oilthigh.  Tha an cothrom seo a’ leigeil le òigridh a tha tighinn tro fhoghlam Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu agus ann an sgìrean air feadh Alba, Gàidhlig a chumail nam beatha làitheil. Tha sin air leth cudromach dhan Ghàidhlig ma tha sinn airson a’ chànan a leasachadh is a chumail beò anns na bliadhnaichean ri teachd.”

Airson na bliadhna shònraichte seo den sgeama a chomharrachadh, thèid cuirm a chumail san Oilthigh air feasgar Diardaoin far an tèid sùil a thoirt air ais air an sgeama agus air gach buannachd is soirbheas a th’ air tighinn às.  Bidh cuideachd sealladh bho luchd-obrach agus oileanaich bho Choláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath (UCD) far a bheil sgeama coltach ris airson luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig na h-Èireann.


For more information please contact Nick Wade, Media Relations Officer at the University of Glasgow: or 01413307126.


Fiona Dunn, Gaelic Language Officer, University of Glasgow, Tel: 0141 330 8505, email: 


Notes to editors:

1.            The University of Glasgow’s Gaelic Language Residency Scheme was launched in 2009. 

2.            For further information on the University of Glasgow Gaelic Language Plan and or Gaelic Language Inititiave see:  or


First published: 13 February 2014

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