Bianca Pinto Vieira

Innovation Product Manager, ArcTouch 

PhD Ecology 2017

Bianca Vieira works as Senior Innovation Product Manager at ArcTouch, US developing cutting-edge tech products focused on decision making and accessibility, serving both governments and companies worldwide. Acknowledging the University of Glasgow's role, she values skills acquired there such as critical analysis and scholarly rigor. This knowledge proved vital in advocating for data-driven decision-making, avoiding bias and overload of new information.   

Bianca obtained a PhD on climate oscillation effects at the University of Glasgow, where she could explore not only research skills but also applications in data science and tracking technologies. Author of hundreds of scientific works and innovation projects, as well as two books, Bianca delivered many lectures in Europe and South America. 

As part of her doctorate, Bianca used her specialist data science skills to create an innovative non-invasive method for studying bird moulting. During her time at the University of Glasgow, Bianca performed many different experiments with the smallest autonomous tracking technology in the world and developed models for predicting the effects of climate oscillations on biodiversity and the economy of South America.   

Bianca has made impactful contributions to coastal research and data-driven management, propelling her into key roles, including a significant tenure at the State Government of Santa Catarina, Brazil.  

She also used the learnt skills to intensively model intricate scenarios related to the COVID-19 spread and its consequential impacts, aiding decision-making across the globe. Grounded in data, the approach proved instrumental, potentially saving more than 2 million lives during this critical juncture in the pandemic. She integrates academic excellence to real-world impact, embodying a commitment to innovation and data-driven decision making on a global scale.