Lauren Arthur, Zoology BSc 2008, and her partner David Eastaugh, have been selected as one of ten ambassadors for World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

They are dedicated to exploring biodiversity-rich Ethiopia - the land where the wolves wander, in search of Africa's rarest carnivore, the Ethiopian wolf.

Lauren and David have launched Season 1 of a three-part YouTube series - #TooWildEthiopia, tracking this remarkable species in its natural habitat. With less than 500 wolves remaining today, it is no easy task.

They hope to bring attention to lesser-known animals that also need our help and care. 

Lauren lives and works in South Africa in the Greater Kruger National Park, taking thousands of viewers on virtual safaris twice a day and educating them from the field about the animals she encounters.

The University is always delighted to see our world-changing alumni recognised for their achievements, and congratulates Lauren for this outstanding accomplishment.

First published: 27 January 2021